Friday, March 27, 2020

Chemistry Building At UGA

Chemistry Building At UGAUGA is a university that focuses on research and educational excellence and offers a bachelor's degree in Chemistry. The chemistry building in the university is situated in the Administration Building.Chemistry building is open all day long except for certain hours during specific occasions when students must be at work. The Chemistry Building has a conference room with large conference tables. Other than this, there are two labs on each floor and one lab on each of the three levels.The chemistry lab is located in the north section of the chemistry building that faces the west. All the experiments in the lab are performed under observation. The second lab in the chemistry building is located in the south section and faces the east. The third lab is located in the south-east corner.The labs in the chemistry building allow the students to study their chemistry under supervision. They will be assisted by a professor and a laboratory technician and will be given instructions and guidance by the professor. The professors in the labs are experts in the subject of chemistry.If you are interested in taking up a chemistry at UGA, then you should begin your quest for a job as soon as possible. Students who do not make a career choice soon can find themselves out of a job when they are done with their graduate degree in science. The best way to make sure that you find a job after you graduate is to be prepared early by obtaining an appropriate placement test.You can prepare yourself well for the placement test by getting some free advice from a number of schools. You can contact the professor of your college, get in touch with your departmental advisor, or talk to a high school counselor. The assistant dean of the graduate program can also be very helpful.One thing that you should consider is to take time out in advance to obtain a job offer from an employer that provides a good salary for a senior in your particular field of interest at UGA. You should also obtain a letter of intent from your prospective employer.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Benefits and Challenges of Studying History

The Benefits and Challenges of Studying History Studying history can work wonders in helping students develop critical thinking skills. It does not matter what subject in history one is studying, or what level; they all help students learn to look at a variety of issues from different points of view. Because at some level we know the outcome of historical events, and we often have multiple viewpoints of those events, students can begin to understand how humans in the past have approached a variety of issues that in turn provide insight into how to approach the issues of today. Students can start seeing in history that there is never just one correct way to approach an issue, and while that variety can be overwhelming, it can help them start to learn how to make decisions about their own issues even when it is very difficult and overwhelming to do so. Studying history can also help students develop understanding about humans in general by seeing how people of the past were all trying to do the best they could, with varying degrees of success and different metrics for measuring that success. The study of history can also help learners gain empathy, grow as people, and better understand the nuances and complications inherent to human civilization.Click here to learn more about how we can help your student with history.History is a subject that most parents and students often assume will go smoothly, even at an AP level, as they often do not realize that history in high school is no longer about just memorizing dates, places, people, things, and events. Students typically come to AJ Tutoring a few weeks into first semester or even second semester with a low grade, frustration, and confusion. Our history tutors are here to help them out! Often, the main reason students struggle is that they have never encountered history like this before, so it is not surprising that they may be a bit lost. Individualized history tutoring is a great guide for this complicated subject, and, as time progresses, we can work with stu dents to develop critical thinking skills that will help them now and later in life.Despite the stereotype of history being a dull subject or a not useful subject that is not relevant to the world today, it is in fact a vital part of a student’s education and should not be dismissed. It is a subject that can help them grow and develop as people, which will help them go far in the world regardless of what goals they pursue as adults.Even if students are committed to studying history, they can often struggle with keeping track of all the information covered in history classes, especially AP history classes. Teachers often expect students to absorb a myriad of seemingly specific facts which will be reviewed on quizzes and tests. It can be intimidating and frustrating for students when they try to study thoroughly and correctly, only to realize that they missed that one tiny section about an apparently random person or event that then pops up on an examination. With these difficulties in mind, here are a few strategies that our history experts recommend for students engaging with a challenging history subject.A key solution to support intimidated and frustrated students is to help them develop critical thinking skills that will allow them to use the information they do remember to answer questions on details that they don’t remember. These skills can manifest in a number of forms. For instance: helping the students build their own timeline of key events that are less difficult to remember, then making educated guesses about things like cause and effect or continuity and change over time using that bedrock of information. If a teacher provides a study guide before tests or quizzes, we recommend that students aim to absorb all the information from those guides. Then, they should pick one or more events that they think are the most important, engaging, and memorable. From there, students can start building their own timelines from these well-understood subjects t hat they can continue to build on throughout the school year until any kind of cumulative exams they might have, including AP exams.Also, it is important to remind students that history is a story, so there is always a (rough) beginning, middle and resolution to every event that then causes new stories to branch off with their own narratives. Putting historical events together like a multi-book novel series that is constantly being written and rewritten can be a fun way to interact with and remember historical events. Certain characters continue to pop up in different or similar places (Henry Clay the great compromiser is directly involved in many of the political wheelings and dealings of the early to mid 1800s, for example), while old problems that everyone thought were solved come back and challenge new (or even the same) groups of people (the issue of slavery in the US and its potential expansion into the territories is a great example). Helping students see that history is less about memorizing thousands of facts and more about exploring and understanding a story is vital in helping them effectively approach the subject and begin to think critically.  Students can be resistant to this new way of engaging with history, especially if their history classes in the past have focused entirely on memorizing a list of information. They think they already know how to approach history, but then at a high school level when they are expected to use the historical information to write and analyze events, they find they are not able to do so successfully. Students can often write down the information that is relevant to the prompt, but they are unable to explain why it is relevant to the prompt, thus earning a lower grade. Or they think that there is only one possible piece of information that is going to answer a very broad historical writing prompt and spend all of their time trying to figure out which of several potential events they are supposed to write about. In fact, there may be a variety of inroads or possible responses to the prompt.This new sets of challenges can be difficult to tackle, and each student learns differently, so trial and error with a variety of strategies is usually the most effective pedagogical approach. One of the strategies that we find helps many students is to have them practice answering writing prompts by breaking them down into more specific questions, thereby narrowing the focus of their ideas. From there, students can connect their thoughts and explanations into a unified answer. Also, if they are caught up and stalled by trying to find the ‘correct’ answer, it is often helpful to give them a very short time period to brainstorm and then write freely based on what they could brainstorm, even if they think it may not answer the question completely.The best resource for writing about history at an AP level is the collection of past AP history exam free response questions that can be found on the College Boa rd website. For example, you can find some highly useful AP US History resources here. For timeline-building, a crucial test-taking technique that is a very student-specific process, there is not just one best resource. The timeline can be something students start building on a piece of notebook paper, a Google doc, a photo of one drawn on the whiteboard during tutoring the list is endless!If your student is looking to build confidence and achieve success in a history course, please reach out to us today!

How to Handle Working Full-Time and Going to College

How to Handle Working Full-Time and Going to College via Organize Your Schedule In Advance Academic advisors typically encourage students to fill out their calendars and organize their due dates at the beginning of each semester so that there are no surprises when it comes to due dates and other important deadlines. If you plan on working full-time while juggling coursework, this will be a necessity for you as well. Time is a valuable thing and when you’re pressed between a load of classes and a full-time position, you will absolutely need to prioritize your time effectively. Set up a schedule at the beginning of each semester and mark down all deadlines, meetings, test dates, projects, and assignments right away. Do not allow anything academia-related to sneak up and bite you halfway through the semester. Be sure to also mark down any important dates or schedule changes related to your job, if you haven’t already. Check for conflicts early so that you can do your best to manage them well ahead of time. Working full-time and taking classes is the furthest thing from a cakewalk, but if you keep your schedule organized and stay on top of your deadlines and assignments, you will be able to survive and thrive through the struggle. Establish A Support System Speaking of struggle, it’s hard for anyone to get by without a little help. Working full-time while taking any college coursework is going to be stressful and maybe even completely overwhelming sometimes. For the sake of your own mental and physical health, you should not try to soldier through all of this hardship by yourself. Instead, keep your family and friends in the loop. Keep them updated with what is happening in your classes and in your job. Let them know that their support will be crucial during this time. Having a strong support system will make a huge difference in both your academic and professional performance as well. When you’re stressed and overwhelmed, that can definitely have an effect on your work. Aside from that, you and your wellbeing should always come first when it comes between matters of academics and career aspirations. Working full-time and taking college classes does not have to be a nightmare. Be sure to communicate any difficulties you may be having with your manager, coworkers, academic advisors, and professors. These people want to see you succeed and they will do everything in their power to help you get there. Never be afraid to ask for help. Image via Communicate Effectively With Others On that note, let’s talk about communication. Communication absolutely makes the world go ‘round and we would be nowhere without it. If you don’t communicate with the people around you while you’re working full-time on top of taking any amount of college coursework, you will be going nowhere fast. Out of respect for your professors, managers, and sanity, you should be keeping everyone around you in the loop of what you’re planning to accomplish. For one thing, you will have support and assistance throughout the process if things go wrong and it will relieve some of the stress of juggling two huge commitments. If you know that you will need to miss a day of work or class, communicate that with your professor or manager as soon as possible. Discuss multi-tasking with your manager and if they would be open to you working on assignments or studying during your downtime at work. Share your syllabus or class schedule with your manager. If an exam or huge due date falls on an important day of work, talk to both your professor and manager to see what can be done. More than likely, your teachers and supervisors will respect you for taking on so much at once and do whatever they can to help you succeed, but it’s your job to respect them by keeping them informed about your schedule a nd not dropping the ball on them at the last minute for any reason. Consider Registering For Online Classes A lot of the challenges of working full-tme and taking classes could be lessened if you take online courses. These courses do not require you to attend a physical lecture and you can squeeze in the work around your free time. You won’t have as much of a hard time balancing and managing your time. A lot of universities offer distance learning or fully online degree programs. This will save you a ton of time and the headache of managing so much at once. Remember Why Youre Doing It Being a college student and working full-time are huge challenges on their own. When you mix the two together, it definitely seems like it could be impossible. However, you should never get discouraged. Remember why you’re doing what you’re doing and how it will all be worth it in the end. Your full-time job will help you maintain a professional mindset and attitude while you’re in school and at the same time, you will be ahead of all of your other fellow graduates. Earning your degree will open up the door to an entire world of new opportunities. Image via Working full-time and taking a full load, half load, or even a quarter load of college courses is no small task. You will be pressed for time and energy, but if you stay organized, prioritize your mental health, communicate with the people around you, and keep the end result in mind, you will have climbed a heck of a professional mountain and all you will have left to do is sit back and enjoy the view. Good luck!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Announcing the 150-hour TEFL Course from the University of Toronto

Announcing the 150-hour TEFL Course from the University of Toronto We're excited to announce the new 150-hour TEFL course from the University of Toronto! The University of Toronto's TEFL Online has always provided ESL teachers with the best in academic quality. Its TEFL curriculum is designed by instructors at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, the Faculty of Education at the University of Toronto. All of the TEFL Online courses are self-paced and accessible from any internet-enabled device. Every graduate of the University of Toronto's TEFL course receives free job placement consultation from Teach Away after completing their course. Visit the TEFL Online site for more information. Save $200 when you enroll by November 30 using coupon code 'TEFL150' Why take a 150-hour course? As ESL jobs abroad become increasingly popular, prospective teachers must make themselves as competitive as possible. The majority of schools abroad will consider a minimum of a 100-hour TEFL certification, with many institutions now requiring more. The University of Toronto has recognized this demand and expanded their course offerings to accommodate teachers who wish to be eligible for the most competitive TEFL jobs. The University of Toronto's 150-hour TEFL course offers internationally recognized certification from a respected academic institution, with an intensive curriculum designed by experts in the field. Course Curriculum The 150-hour course contains a longer and more intensive core, two areas of specialization, and an additional unit on teaching abroad. 100 hours 120 hours 150 hours Core curriculum 6 units 6 units 8 units Elective specializations None 2 2 Additional units None None 1: Teaching Abroad Special offer For the month of November, when you enroll for the 150-hour TEFL course using coupon code 'TEFL150', you'll receive a huge $200 off the cost of the course. This means you'll be receiving the 150-hour course for the same price as the 120-hour course just by taking advantage of the November sale. Enroll now

What Bilingual Children Can Teach Us About Adult Language Learning

What Bilingual Children Can Teach Us About Adult Language Learning What Bilingual Children Can Teach Us About Adult Language Learning Its easy to be jealous of children  who grow  up bilingual.They  seem to effortlessly learn new words and develop fluent pronunciation,  while we adults review the same material over and over and struggle to trill our rs.Research shows that children are better language learners than adults, but dont let this discourage you.Recent research  on the human brain has found that the changes in brain chemistry needed to  learn another language  are possible at any age  age, from birth to the elderly years. So its never too late to learn a language!There has been an explosion of research in recent years on how bilingual children learn, ranging from how they  use memory  and learn new vocabulary  to how they  switch between languages to express different emotions.What Bilingual Children Can Teach Us About Adult Language LearningThis research can tell us a lot not just about how children learn, but how adults learn, too. By examining how children so masterfully learn languages, we can discover some ways to improve our own learning as adults. How Bilingual Children LearnThe early years of childhood are a time when all childrenâ€"monolingual or bilingualâ€"rapidly  learn language skills.Through ongoing  immersion and practice, they begin to understand what words mean and how to use them in the proper contexts.Mommy points and says, Lets play with the ball! The toddler picks up the ball and says, Bah. Mommy excitedly replies, Yes, ball! Eventually bah becomes ball, and the child has learned a new word.At first glance, the process of learning a language can seem incredibly daunting, says Skott Freedman, a professor at Ithaca College.  Yet this potentially arduous task is typically executed with little effort by children barely a year old. In fact, studies show that children can learn a word in as little as one exposure.Freedman has found that it doesnt take much more effort for children to learn two languages than it does for them to learn one. Young childrens brains are d esigned to  pay attention  to language cues and develop language skills, so they can learn two languages almost as easily as they can learn one.Bilingual children use language in purpose-driven ways with a focus on communication rather than getting it right.In her book  Raising Bilingual Children,  Carey Myles  notes that during everyday conversations, caregivers naturally focus on the message of childrens language more than in how its delivered. When a child says, I thirsty, the caregiver doesnt spend much time correcting the child or  demanding that she say, I am thirsty. Instead, she responds by getting the child something to drink.Professors Kendall King and Alison Mackey echo this point in their book,  The Bilingual Edge.  They say that childrens language learning is  pleasurable, intimate and interwoven with everyday life and suggest  playful, interactive language learning activities that are connected with routine things  like eating or getting dressed.What this means for adu lts:Find ways to immerse yourself. Think of all the input a bilingual child gets and try to emulate this constant exposure  in your life. The more you surround yourself with input in your target language, the faster and better youll learn. Listen to foreign language music, watch TV shows, read the news in your target language and talk with  people.Seek out real-life practice.  Find a conversation partner  or  conversation club, join an online  language exchange website  and visit stores or restaurants where people speak your target language. Your goal should be to participate in  two-way conversational exchanges where you can communicate with real people.Make it fun. Children dont sit around looking at flashcards (all the time)! They play dress-up and drive toy  trucks and run around the park. Find ways to make your language learning fun, too. Read or watch videos about things that interest youâ€"whether thats  sewing, baseball  or woodworkingâ€"and make friends with native speakers who share your interests so you can  practice speaking  while going for a run or knitting together.Kids Writing vs. SpeakingLearning to read is different from learning to speak.Bilingual children learn to speak through everyday immersion, but they need explicit instruction in order to learn to read and write in more than one  language.Children learn to read best when they have an understanding and familiarity with the  culture  and context associated with a piece of writing.  Schema theory suggests that children who arent familiar with the context may have trouble making accurate predictions about what will come next in a story, and being able to make predictions is important to reading success.Consider the phrase, Dumbo is an elephant  with big ears. A child whos familiar with the story of Dumbo  can quickly read this sentence.  Even if the child has never seen the  words elephant and ears, he can make quick guesses about what words they might be, since he knows that Dumbo is an e lephant and that big ears are his defining feature.On the other hand, a child who doesnt know anything about Dumbo will have more trouble understanding this sentence. Shell have to sound out every word in the sentence and may second-guess herself even if she reads the words correctly.Because of the difficulties that arise when children dont have the cultural understanding needed to understand a  piece of writing, some schools have found that non-native English speakers learn to read in English better when theyre provided with background or cultural information prior to reading a text.What  this means for adults:Improve your reading skills by learning about current events and culture first. No matter how good your language skills are, you wont fully  understand a foreign language text if you dont understand the context behind it. Start by familiarizing yourself â€"by reading or listening to material in your native languageâ€"with the  culture and current events of the people who spea k your target language. This will improve your reading in your target language and is  likely  to (re-)inspire your love of another culture, place and language!Do more listening and speaking.  Bilingual children typically learn through speaking and listening and need explicit instruction in reading and writing, but its often the opposite for adults. Adults typically learn with  written material like textbooks, dictionaries and workbooks.  Seek out opportunities to supplement your book learning with opportunities to speak and listen.  Some  textbooks  come with audio CDs or provide access to online audio files, and you can find many opportunities to listen to music or watch videos.Learn with  FluentU. FluentU  provides foreign language videos that native speakers actually watch, along with interactive subtitles, translations and even active learning tools  like multimedia flashcards,  quizzes and custom vocabulary lists. Use the content here as conversation fodder when practicing you r language skills  with your  friends, teachers, tutors, conversation partners and fellow language learners!Bilingual Learning ChallengesNot everything comes easily for kids! Even they have a hard time with some aspects of language learning.For example, bilingual children typically go through a period where they use words from both languages  in the same sentences. A young child might say something like, I want some agua or Lets vaminos!Grammar rules can  also be mixed up. A child whos learning  English (which has a subject-verb-object structure) and a language like Turkish (which has a subject-object-verb structure) might say something like, I want to store go, instead of I want to go to the store.Bilingual children may also experience a silent period where they understand the language spoken to them but do not speak it. A child whos spoken to primarily in English may understand the French her mother speaks but not actively respond in French, particularly if she knows that her moth er also understands English. After more exposure,  shell  eventually start to speak in French, but it may take time.What this means for adults:Focus on  grammar structures.  You cant easily turn off the grammar rules your brain is wired to use. Thats why its important to  learn how the grammar structures work in your target language. This will help you be conscious of when you need to do things differently. And if youre not comfortable with grammar in general, consider getting  a book about your native languages grammar  so you can understand how it  compares to the new grammar youre learning.Stay silent for a little while, if you need to. Frustrating as it may be, its normal to understand whats being said to you but be incapable of producing a fluent response. Recognize that your speaking capacity will lag behind your listening capacity, and pat yourself on the back for the excellent listening comprehension skills youre developing! Just dont stay silent for too long. Practice is th e only way to develop the abilityâ€"and confidenceâ€"to say exactly what you want to say.Children Are ResilientPart of the reason children are so good at language learning is because they arent afraid of what others think. Theyre curious about everything and enthusiastic to try out the new words they hear.Children also use language as a tool to  achieve goals,  rather than an end in and of itself. They dont care about learning to speak Italian fluently or learning to say hello in Japanese. They simply want something and will use whatever method they can to communicate their needs and desires. A child is highly motivated to speak when he needs to do so to  tell someone he  wants a drink of milk or get a toy his older brother is playing with.What this means for adults:Dont be afraid to make mistakes. Remember that some of the best learning happens after youve  made a very memorable mistake.Cultivate an innate sense of curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. Learning should be fun! Forg et about the outcomes  or the time its taking you to achieve them. Focus on what you enjoy about the language youre learning.Admit when you dont know something.  Its okay if you dont know how to conjugate a certain verb or which tense to use in a particular situation. Native speakers are usually more than happy to help you learn their language, so go ahead and ask for help!Think about your  goals.  But dont stop at thinking. Put yourself in situations where you need to speak your target language in order to  get thing done.  Dont get so caught up in studying vocabulary lists that you forget why youre learning the language. Think about what your learning goals are and how you plan to use this language in the future.Learning another language is difficult but also can beâ€"even should beâ€"a lot of fun. By acting a bit more like a bilingual child, you can improve your learning and make sure that you enjoy the process.And One More ThingIf youre eager to get started on that process right away, youll love learning with FluentU. FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that real people speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos, like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse ScreenFluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover over or tap on the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Interactive TranscriptsYou can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs quiz mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.

What is CCNY Tutoring?

What is CCNY Tutoring?CCNY Tutoring is a practical approach to help students go back to school. Learning is important, but as our lives become more complicated and complex; it is important that students are challenged by providing them with both the resources they need to become successful and the structure to prepare them for success. The CCNY curriculum is a great place to begin with the many benefits that you will receive from these activities.It is important to take time and find the right education program for your child. Many schools have different courses and each one requires different subjects or credits. It is imperative that your child find a place that has the same programs that are in the same classes.For those that are studying for the CCNY exam, the opportunities are endless. If your child is planning on taking an exam, make sure that your child can actually complete the coursework because if they do not they will be a sitting duck. Whether you are preparing for state level or the CCNY exam, make sure that your child has the tools that are needed. You want to be sure that your child is able to pass the exam so the responsibility falls squarely on your child's shoulders.When you teach, you are teaching specific content that is needed to move through the exams. It is important that you choose a program that can adapt to your child's needs. They may need a course with a very specific requirement, but may not need it all.One thing that you should never forget is the classroom. It is important that you provide a stimulating and interesting environment for your students. This will keep them interested in what you are doing and it will increase their chance of passing the exams. There are plenty of programs out there that offer exciting and fun learning experiences so you will not have to worry about students getting bored or losing interest.CCNY Tutoring is an excellent way to help your child complete their CCNY program. You will find that even at the beginning of the program, they will notice a difference between their school work and their classroom work. They will develop better time management skills, become more disciplined, and will learn how to manage their school work effectively.So if you are looking for an affordable way to make it easier for your child to qualify for their CCNY training, consider finding a high quality classroom, high quality course, and a reliable professional teacher. You will be happy that you made the decision to do something that was necessary for your child's success.

Online Tutoring

Online TutoringTutoring Nesr Me is a popular online game that offers students the chance to get an education while they enjoy playing games. This gives the student a chance to learn the skills that they need in order to take their life to the next level.In Tutoring Nesr Me, students are required to complete different assignments and tests in a specified time period. They are given the option of using several items in their classrooms and are required to get the required assignments done as well as carry out assignments to the students' satisfaction. This system allows for more time in getting assignments done as well as taking exams. Some students find it useful because they can work on their homework during their free time and at the same time to study and practice their test-taking skills.Tutoring Nesr Me is available online and students can choose from several tests and assignments that they want to tackle. All assignments and tests in this game are to be completed within a given time frame so the students are not only given a chance to study but also to have fun.Although there are other online games that offer the same thing, Nesr Me is by far the most popular online game. This is primarily because it offers a fun environment that allows students to meet with others and practice their abilities. The game also gives students the chance to play games that are suited to their skills.It is possible to get into trouble in Tutoring Nesr Me as well. Students who fail to complete assignments and tests will be presented with the option of passing or failing the test. This can lead to the students being punished in their studies but not in their grades.In Tutoring Nesr Me, students will not just be learning. They will also be getting an opportunity to play games that they might not have been able to play otherwise.Online gaming is still relatively new and is still in its early stages. This means that this form of learning is yet to reach its full potential and may ne ver reach its full potential.

How to Create Chemistry In Your Home

How to Create Chemistry In Your HomeWhen you are in the art of home decorating, it is important to learn how to create chemistry in your home. The building blocks of a beautiful, peaceful environment will rely heavily on the right balance between good lighting and suitable placement. Understanding how to properly set up your room and the correct layout for each part will give your home the appearance of a harmonious, pleasurable environment to reside in.To get started with this process, you will need to have all of the proper tools in place. The first step is to remove all of the furniture from the room. Even if the room is completely new, removing it will prevent the accumulation of dust and mold. New, fresh and clean looking room will start by adding color and vitality. The goal is to instantly get rid of the tension, negativity and boredom that may be present in the room.When this has been accomplished, the next step is to place the items of furniture back into the space. You can then add some colors, decorations, lighting and additional accessories in the space. The whole process will help you understand how to create chemistry within the room. Without the right mix of things, the illusion of living together will not be complete.Many people use decorative items to make their rooms feel more appealing. Using different decorative pieces can set a decorator apart from the crowd.However, if your focus is more on practicality and functionality, you may want to eliminate decorative items from the room. It will help you focus more on the functionality of the space. You can utilize color in your decor and create the proper balance.Being in harmony is based upon the proper place. The area of the room can be divided into two parts. One side will consist of a counteror work area, while the other will be a sitting area or reading room.This type of interior design will create a variety of spaces, both indoor and outdoor. An example of this would be putting a play set in the hallway, while a dining area on the second floor. With this way of thinking, the whole room will come to life.

Revising for A Level Geography Using Past Papers

Revising for A Level Geography Using Past Papers Get to Grips with How to Use those A-Level Past Papers in Geography ChaptersRevising for GeographyWhy Use Past Papers when Revising Geography?How to Track Down Your A Level Past Papers?Examiner’s Reports, Specifications, Mark SchemeConclusionWith your A Level examinations on the horizon, it’s time to get moving with your revision. Yes, we all know that this is a bit of a stressful prospect, but, with plenty of time ahead, and with a whole host of different resources at your disposal (literally more than you could possibly need!), you will be absolutely fine. You will achieve the grades you need to do whatever you want to do next.Whether this is applying to university, finding an internship, or attending a vocational course at college, your A Level results will be used by this institution or that to determine whether you have the aptitude and dedication to succeed. So, let your summer exams be a test of your determination and a chance to show off all the knowledge you have gained throughout your secondary school career.But, as ever, panicking is n ot the answer â€" and studying is neither an exercise in competition nor merely a game of working yourself silly. Take it easy, study efficiently not desperately, and take care to look out for yourself and your mates in the classroom.If your teachers haven’t told you this already: your health and well-being is more important than learning every sentence of all the textbooks you own. It is a clear head and a positive attitude that gets you through exams, not the number of hours spent staring at a book.Mexico's famous volcano, Popocatépetl. Another of geography's wonders.explain asks for why this might be the case. SerenaGeography Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoelGeography Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChloeGeography Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MatthewGeography Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidGeography Teacher 5.00 (10) £32/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConnieGeography Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LaurieGeography Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamGeography Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHow to Track Down Your A Level Past Papers?Past papers are super easy to find, for whichever exam board you are studying. And, if your teacher hasn’t supplied you with them already, there are two main ways to find them: from the official exam board websites, or from revision guides and textbooks.The Official Exam Board WebsiteA quick Google will bring you to the website of Edexcel, OCR, AQA, or whichever exam board it is you are studying. Whilst course specifications have recently changed (Edexcel in 2018, for example), you should be able to find at least four past papers from the new A Levels. The papers from the previous specification will also be on the websites too, as the exam board knows that these are important resources for students â€" and the courses haven’t changed all that much a nyway.These are the papers that previous students actually sat, so becoming familiar with these is important for your own success and comfort. Geography Revision Guides and A Level TextbooksIf, for whatever reason, you can’t get your hands on official past papers, you will be able to find mock exams in the A Level revision guides that you can buy. These won’t be exactly the same as the official ones â€" as they are not peer-reviewed â€" but they will be helpful in showing you the style of question that you might be asked.Get the best books to help you pass your A Level geography exam.Examiner’s Reports, Specifications, Mark SchemeOn the exam boards’ websites, you will find other handy resources alongside the past papers. These include the course specification, the examiner’s report, and the papers’ mark schemes, which are essential if you are hoping to be marking the paper you just sat!The specification, firstly, gives you the broad framework of the course you are sittin g, with every module, topic, and theme. These are useful in guiding your revision, checking what you have covered and what not, and making sure you don’t revise anything you don’t need to know. The examiner’s reports, on the other hand, are a wonderful sneak peek into the other side of the exam. With these, you can leave your student mind for a moment and see what the examiners themselves want to see from your work. These will outline students’ common pitfalls, the papers’ most difficult questions, and ways that questions could have been answered differently.Finally, the mark scheme is the necessary twin to the past paper, as it gives you the answers to the questions therein. These can in themselves be good resources for revision, as they provide information that you may not have learned in class!ConclusionFor GCSE students, you'll find a GCSE geography past papers article on our site, as well as a guide to GCSE geography revision. There's a general guide to geography revi sion too!